Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Things That Make Me Smile

Do you think animals can think like humans?

Animals can think because of three reasons.  First, animals are playful, thus they know how to share.  Second, animals love to move. Hence, animals leave their herd.  Lastly, animals think because they have brains.  They move because they can think.  Animals think because animals move and know camaraderie.

After fighting Charles for a chocolate bunny that we (read: I) got in the mail this weekend, I’m pretty sure he missed the memo on sharing.  Oh, and with our regular KFC battles…


Yeah, he missed the memo.


  1. The Pez was his, not the bunny!

    Manners, Charles!

  2. Matthew - I got the bunny away from him, but he was none to pleased about it. He couldn't break open the box but refused to go down without a fight!

    Rebekah - I just sent you an email! and I totally understand :)

  3. Those are some pretty smart kids!! Ours range anywhere from basic learning of ABCs all the way up to the level you teach. We've only got 2 at that level!
