Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Fresh. Tasty. Safe.

That was on the package of my lunch today.  The only three English words.  I think it’s time to go find that grocery store.

Today was great!  I am stupid-happy here.  It’s only been 5 days but I am absolutely in love with South Korea.  Of course it helps that I am doing my dream job, living the dream of a downtown high-rise, and adoring the people here. 

Teaching today was really fun. I am so thankful that I didn’t request elementary.  My youngest class is 2nd grade and it is two girls.  They are absolutely adorable but the speech is so limited that it was really hard for me. We read A LOT and they taught me how to count to 5 in Korean. I consider that a successful class.

The next two classes were both 6th grade but they each use different books.  16 classes and no two are the same.  The fun thing about teaching here is that I’m not just teaching vocabulary lists like we are practicing for a spelling bee.  In one class we talked about going green and fuel efficiency vs. bio-fuels.  In the other class we learned about Korean holidays, and discussed family and love.  Oddly the key words of the chapter ended up being carry, secretly, and strange.  I chose to not call attention to that.  Other topics I’ve taught this week include the Industrial Revolution, weather, shapes (fat people are oval, skinny people are rectangle - omg), rivalry and competition, and standardized testing.

All the students have both a speaking and a writing course.  Some of them have both on the same night, some come twice a week. I teach mostly speaking but with a few writing classes.  I have 2 or 3 mixed classes as well.  There seems to be a lot more to it than that, but that’s what I’ve understood thus far.  They also have online assignments and homework to keep up with. Remember this is also in addition to the elementary or middle school they are attending.  These kids go to school all the time.

Here is my class breakdown for those interested…

2nd grade - 1 class
3rd grade - 1 class
4th grade - 2 classes
5th grade - 2 classes
6th grade - 3 classes
7th grade - 4 classes
8th grade - 1 class

I see one of the 6th and 7th grade classes Monday and Wednesday, the rest only once a week.

Here are some pictures of my classroom.  Tomorrow night we are all going out for Korean BBQ as my welcome party.  I am excited for that!

This is our front desk.  I told her she could hide behind the computer because I would do the same thing….
Front Desk

#503 William Wordsworth
Classroom 503

My classroom

The best part of Korea…You kick your shoes off at the door.  Nothing like teaching in slippers!

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